Saturday, 23 February 2013

New Season - New Adventures

The sun shines sharp and clean,
the water is a mysterious blue. Spring is here, and with it, the new sailing season.

Up river muffled figures emerge from the saltings and take to the water.
They follow the lead of crimson beaked Goosander, making the most of the weather.
Other craft hibernate on, content to slumber, in their mud berths, for a few weeks more.
Down at The Quay, a coaster unloads cargo and...
takes advantage of the crisp, drying breeze, to freshen her paintwork.
Stargazer readies herself for her first adventure of the new season.
She moves to her new home, across the bay, at Easter.
A yard where the scent of wood shavings and resin hangs intoxicatingly in the air;
and new adventures are planned from snug, wood panelled, cabins.


  1. Thanks for sharing these great pics-just what I needed in the landlocked Pennines to remind me of home! I shall follow your adventures with interest.

  2. It sounds as if we've swapped places, Boathook: I lived in Billinge, Lancs for 10 years. Depending on wind direction / strength I sailed a Laser on Pennington Flash or windsurfed. If it was light I used to go up in the hills at West Pennine, to search for thermals; if it was honking I'd head seawards, to West Kirby.Wonderful to have you aboard!
