Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Zen Again 3


"El Toro," The Bull; Nigel Mansell's nom de guerre, in his Formula 1 racing prime. The name, too, of the red Sunseeker gifted to him, by a grateful team Ferrari. The boat which lies across the pontoon, from Stargazer. As the sun sets, in the peace of a spring evening. 

On Friday, Simon persuaded Stargazer’s two missing bell housing bolts into position. A feat which required some ingenuity. Buried as they are in the bilge, with pipework running above them. Restricting both visibility and access.

Only with the aid of a magnet, and a flexible socket drive, did they succumb to Simon's powers of mechanical persuasion. (Brochure shot)

Cue the return of Stargazer's saloon, to a habitable condition. The three dimensional jigsaw puzzle, which is the stowing of longlife provisions, has begun.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Zen Again 2


The spring equinox is upon us. With clear blue skies and warm sunshine. Stargazer's sails are quickly bent on. But, there progress, toward 'cast off day,' stalls. During the reassembly, of engine and saildrive, Simon had picked up two issues. Both requiring parts: The gear linkage pin.....

......and two bolts which (should) attach the engine to the gearbox. It appears that these have been missing, since the engine was replaced, in 2019. When Simon returned, bolts in hand, earlier this week, the probable reason, for their ommission, became clear. The bolts, as specified in the manual, are too long to fit into the gap between engine and gearbox. (Because, as standard, there is a 'spacer' between the two. Not present in Stargazer's installation). Simon also discovered that he had left the new gear linkage, 'on the bench,' in Brighlingsea (fifty miles away).

Stargazer's saloon therefore remains crowded with stores......

......and spares. Which are destined for Stargazer's aft cabin. Once the engine and saildrive access panels can be reinstated.

Meanwhile, sun-soaked day dreaming, in Stargazer's cockpit, is the order of the day. Punctuated by coffee powered conversation, as boating friends emerge from hibernation. 

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Zen Again


There is one last refit job to complete, aboard Stargazer. Polishing her blue hull stripe. It was today's task. Until a cancelled lift brought a hail, from 'Wayne the crane.' "We can get you in now, if you like." The offer, of an early relaunch, is too good an opportunity to miss.

Half an hour later, I am crouched in the engine bay. Stargazer now afloat. But with the crane slings still in place. In case of water ingress through the new saildrive diaphragm. All is well. I emerge through the companionway, to give a thumbs up to the yard crew.

The roaring crane motor falls silent. Ripples lap musically against the hull. Stargazer tugs gently at her lines. Liberated from the dusty yard. In her element once more. Testing her freedom. Her skipper scurries the deck. Re rigging the backstay; setting up lines and fenders; test running the, newly reassembled, engine. Basking in the spring sunshine.

Back on our berth, I break out the coffee pot. Settled in Stargazer's cockpit, I contemplate our good fortune. Savouring this settled start to spring. Picturing wave-riven cliffs, open horizons and Atlantic shores. Feeling Zen again.


Sunday, 9 March 2025

Shifting Sands 4


Unseasonably glorious weather brings the river to life. Turning the, oft turbid, Medway waters sky blue. Dinghy spinnakers blossom bright. Before bare, bank-side, branches have had time to clad themselves in green.

Yet, over a Sunday pint in The Pier, or out on the low water landing, talk is not of our remarkable weather. Instead, extraordinary events, of another kind, monopolise conversation.

The 'new sheriff,’ has taken inspiration from Lewis Carroll's 'Through the Looking Glass.' Fake has become fact, vice is versa; allies are adversaries; and an elected president is deemed a dictator. The USA has turned Red Queen, and is leading Europe (become Alice) a merry dance, across a chaotically reordered political chess board. Whilst threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine, Canada, Panama, Denmark and Greenland.

With spinning head, Stargazer's skipper makes hay whilst the sun shines. Retreating into a familiar boatyard bubble. Speeding through her refit jobs list, sporting short sleeves and a sun hat. Negotiations are now underway, with the long suffering 'Wayne the crane,' to bring our relaunch date forward, from the end of this month. 

Picture Credits

Czar Trumpski: courtesy of Jabari James YouTube

Alice Through The Looking Glass image: courtesy of Ralph Steadman

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Shifting Sands 3

Simon, who has the physique of a Springbok prop, bodily lifts Stargazer's engine off its mounts. Wrestling it clear of the saildrive aperture. His apprentice-for-a-day looking on, saucer eyed.

My chance to shine comes, as the freshly liberated gearbox is lowered to the ground. Where Simon has set up a portable workbench.

Once released from compression, it is quickly evident that the diaphragm has fatigued and begun to fail. A split is visible, when Simon flexes the membrane . Stargazer has had a fortunate reprieve, from a watery mishap.

Within the flywheel housing, there are signs that the gearbox oil seal has served its time. The inner surface glistens, with a sheen of atomised oil. Which should not be there.
Whilst the drive leg looks in fine fettle. As it should, after last year's rebuild.

Salt water, seeping in through the split diaphragm, has pitted the alloy casting onto which it seats. Simon suggests that he take the saildrive back, to his Brightlingsea workshop, overnight. Where the casting can be refurbished and the oil seal replaced.

Next morning, Simon sets about reuniting engine, diaphragm, saildrive and gearbox. The latter two, freshly repainted. Leaving the installation as good as, maybe better than, new. 

Across the Atlantic, the 'new sheriff' pummels America's traditional allies, neighbours and trading partners. Whilst playing footsie with a former foe. Disrupting diplomatic mores, worldwide.

Mr Mayagi's "wax on, wax off" technique works wonders. Upon Stargazer's topsides and upon her skipper's Zen level. (Think ‘The Karate Kid,’ if baffled by the preceding two sentences)

Picture Credits

Trump diplomacy. Courtesy of Carlos Osorio / Reuters


Monday, 3 March 2025

Shifting Sands 2


The frost lies thick and crisp upon Stargazer's deck. Billows of sea fog delay the dawn.

A bone penetrating chill pervades.

Whilst Stargazer's spring awakening continues.

Today's task is the removal of the saildrive.

Our start is auspicious. Oil drains clear and green, from the drive. Last season's shaft seal seat re-sleeve has held.

The sun climbs higher. Our world shrinks, to encompass only the dictates of the job in hand. We warm to our task. Reprieved from reports, of the shifting sands in world events, for a few tranquil hours.

Picture Credits

Trump & Vance freeze out Zelensky, in front of the world's press. Courtesy of Reuters.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Shifting Sands

The first sign of spring: Stargazer begins her annual refit. A dank drizzle is banished by an auspicious balm of wan sunshine, as she is swung ashore.

The forecast is for strong winds, on Monday. The day of our lift booking. But 'Wayne the crane,' and his band of fluro-jacketed helpers, meet Stargazer, amid the long shadows of dawn, the Friday before. Ahead of the breeze rising.

Simon, our 'engine man,' is also ahead of the game. In December, he sourced a new saildrive diaphragm. Because, "last year they were 'sold out,' all spring." Which proves to be the case again, this year...... The double skinned diaphragm seals the sizeable hole, in Stargazer's underside, through which the saildrive leg (circled) protrudes.

This, precautionary, job has been one that I have put off, repeatedly. For, to change a diaphragm is a major undertaking. It requires the removal of both engine and saildrive. Hence the determined effort, to have Stargazer available, for her reserved slot in Simon's diary. I will turn apprentice for the day. Available as an extra pair of hands, as required.

My day in the boatyard provides welcome respite. From the fusilade of news reports, concerning the antics of the "new sheriff in town" and his posse of deputies. It is reassuring to march in step with the season, follow Stargazer's established spring ritual.

When so much, that we have taken for granted, is gleefully stood upon its head. In the wider world. Each headline more mind melting than the last.

Leaving the boatyard, I reach for the next handhold, of normality. The annual pilgrimage to Wandsworth Town, to secure a French Visa de Long Sejour. A process simplified by familiarity, on my part; and by the ready acceptance of Stargazer, as an 'address,' on the part of my hosts. (A point which, for previous visa applications, had required a 'special case' to be argued).

Out on the river, the tide keeps time, to a syncopated beat. Its rhythm set by the spectral moon. Out of phase, with the quotidian motions of the sun. Which begins to spread a wash of green across bare branches. As winter teeters on the brink of spring.

Opposite Stargazer's yard, stands Upnor Castle. Its historic stone walls a reassuring presence. Resonating a permanence and security, which proved illusiory. When, in 1667, Admiral de Ruyter's fleet sailed into the Medway. Attacking the Chatham naval dockyards and burning the British fleet, at anchor.

Picture credits

Yanmar saildrive parts diagram: Courtesy of Yanmar

Burning Tesla Cybertruck, outside the Las Vegas Trump International Hotel (screenshot): Courtesy of  Times, YouTube.

QAnon Shaman, during 'January 6th' Capitol Riots: Courtesy of Getty Images