The spring equinox is upon us. With clear blue skies and warm sunshine. Stargazer's sails are quickly bent on. But, there progress, toward 'cast off day,' stalls. During the reassembly, of engine and saildrive, Simon had picked up two issues. Both requiring parts: The gear linkage pin.....
......and two bolts which (should) attach the engine to the gearbox. It appears that these have been missing, since the engine was replaced, in 2019. When Simon returned, bolts in hand, earlier this week, the probable reason, for their ommission, became clear. The bolts, as specified in the manual, are too long to fit into the gap between engine and gearbox. (Because, as standard, there is a 'spacer' between the two. Not present in Stargazer's installation). Simon also discovered that he had left the new gear linkage, 'on the bench,' in Brighlingsea (fifty miles away).
Stargazer's saloon therefore remains crowded with stores......
......and spares. Which are destined for Stargazer's aft cabin. Once the engine and saildrive access panels can be reinstated.
Meanwhile, sun-soaked day dreaming, in Stargazer's cockpit, is the order of the day. Punctuated by coffee powered conversation, as boating friends emerge from hibernation.
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