Sunday, 7 April 2013

First Sail Of The Season: 2013

The setting sun paints sea and sky a fire-glow orange. We're anchored in the lee of a wooded island - briefly rendered as a coal black silhouette, against the evening sky.

The lightest of breezes has bellied Stargazer's sails and brought her back to life, after her long winter of hibernation.

This morning we ghosted silently along sinuous channels. Birds called to us, from the islands. Stargazer replied with the silvery chuckle of her bow wave. Joyful to be roaming free once more.

A catamaran finds a snug anchorage and basks in the spring sunshine. Her crew search for shells alongside, on the beach.

The crew of a dayboat row off eagerly, to explore the uncovering side channels.

A fisherman, works the top of the main channel. We sail past and round up in "our" deep water pool. Down slides the mainsail and out rattles the anchor chain.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Bournemouth,United Kingdom

1 comment:

  1. As always, beautiful pics and words. Thanks for sharing.
