Sunday, 1 September 2013

Into The Mystic Cruise 2012 - update 68

Sun 1.9.13: Tavern Beach, St Mawes.

Surf roar fills the dawn air. We thread our way out of Old Grimsby Sound, and around the reefs, to St Mary's Sound.

The sun hoists itself above the horizon; etching the weather beaten faces, of the cliffs, with dark shadow lines. We harden up, through the sound and shape a course, for Wolf Rock.

We're gently reaching, at 5 knots, under Cruising Chute; when we bring the gaunt, grey, Wolf, abeam. Lands End is a tawny smudge, behind it; the sun glinting white on the cliff top hotel.

An eastbound tide, and a long easy swell, carries us across Mounts Bay, to the Lizard.

Falmouth Bay is bathed in a rosy glow, by the setting sun. We tack our way in, towards the blaze of shore lights, as darkness falls; and anchor beneath the ramparts of St Mawes Castle.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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