Saturday, 27 June 2020

Seals Come Calling

A golden head appears, the sun glinting off it. The seal swims stealthily along the grassy bank of Kirby Creek.

On the prowl. She is all but submerged. Only her eyes and nostrils showing. 

Leaving barely a ripple, she moves silently through the still water. Circling Stargazer, as she teaches her pup to hunt.

 Her freckle faced pup surfaces, looks Stargazer over. . . 

. . . turns to find Mum gone - and swims off hurriedly after her.

Stargazer lies into the ebb tide, which drains the creek beneath her. Mudflats reach out towards her, growing ever more extensive to either side.

A bespattered oystercatcher breaks from his foraging and feasting and makes his way down to the, fast receding, water’s edge.

A wash in the creek quickly restores his orange gimlet bill and red gaitered legs to their full splendour.

Satisfied, the oystercatcher marches off purposefully, to resume his search for a meal.

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