Sunday, 15 August 2021

An English Summer 71


The evening sun sets the sails, of a gaff cutter, aglow; as she reaches into the anchorage, from Yealm Head. The breeze, filling her sails, still from the south west. Tonight it is predicted to veer north west and rise to a five gusting six, off Plymouth, and to a six gusting seven, off Guernsey. Before settling to a steady five, off both shores, from Monday afternoon. Passage making weather.

I try my hand, with the Guernsey Travel Tracker. Much emphasis is laid on the need for a hard copy vaccination certificate, of which the site requires a photograph or pdf. I do not have a hard copy certificate. But, via the NHS app, I do have access to a pdf version. I upload it to the Tracker and am rewarded with this welcome message. Here's hoping that the human border guards are as easily satisfied.

Unlike the UK Passenger Locator Form, which I completed with some difficulty, on Stargazer's return from Brittany last year, the Guernsey Tracker specifically caters for the possibility of an arrival, by private boat or aircraft . I book Stargazer in for a Tuesday landfall.

Tomorrow afternoon, if forecasts remain favourable, I hope to be weighing anchor aboard Stargazer. Depending how we fare, both with the passage and with the arrivals formalities, the next post is likely on either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.

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