Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Making Ready, No More

Stargazer's Vectran mainsail arrived this morning, borne by Alan and Sarah of Wilkinson Sails. (Full story behind Stargazer's sail choice here)

It is a perfect day to ascend the mast, to pin the rig; and to bend on the new sail. Sunny and tranquil.

We waste no time in trying it for size.

Even in today's light zephyr, it sets with a purposeful curve. Promising powerful performance.

Wilkinson have done us proud.


The day passes quickly. The sail yo-yoing up and down the mast, as I find the best settings for reef lines and halyards. Marking their positions, with coloured whippings, for ease of operation.

Now, after five months of Making Ready, we are ready. All that is needed is a fair breeze, which we have; and a fair tide, which we will have very shortly. Our season is begun!

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