Stargazer waits patiently beneath the somnolent crane. First in line, for her annual lift, once it can be reawakened, from hibernation, by Taylor the Yard Boss. The sun smiles demurely from a sky filled, only moments earlier, with stinging hailstones. Propelled by a mischievous north-east wind.
Stargazer's trip, around from her berth, is lent extra purpose by the arrival of our ticket to a summer in the south. In the form of the, much hoped for, French Visa de Long Sejour.
Before Stargazer may set sail, through the Raz de Seine and into Biscay, the rites of spring must first be performed. On shore. Engine maintenance, hull polishing, antifouling and anode replacement. Along with a little plastic surgery:
The time has come to restore the sun-faded gel coat, of Stargazer's blue stripes, to their darkly-lustrous former glory. Using vinyl. Taking the opportunity to lift her looks still further, with a new font for her name.
I immerse myself in an Aladdin's Cave, of possibilities on and
None is quite perfect, but Tropican comes close. I email a suggestion to Gwen, who is to do the work.
She proves to be, if not the genie of the lamp, a genius in matters vinyl and grants my cartographic wish. With this compelling computer generated render.
A period of dry weather, with day time temperatures above ten degrees, is now required.
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