Monday 16 September 2024

Dandelion 142

Dover was not our intended destination, when we departed Eastbourne. But delays, due to light winds, early on; and our, later, detour around the gunnery range, meant that there was insufficient tide, to make Ramsgate. As it turns out, serendipity has smiled upon Stargazer, as she so often does.

Rudolf, our super-sized, high visibility ball fender, suffered burns, on the first of the chill nights. When Stargazer's forgetful skipper fired up the heater. Without first retrieving him from the starboard quarter. Where the high temperature exhaust gasses are vented. A brittle, brown, blister now sprouts from his smooth skin. A scab likely to burst, if he is put under pressure.

Fortunately, Dover is home to Sharp & Enright. A traditional ships' chandler. A type rarely found today. Small of frontage, but large of stockholding. Within, workmanlike essentials, to meet any conceivable marine contingency, will be found. The antithesis of many, more contempoary, rivals. Whose stores have degenerated into mere boutiques, dedicated to designer sailing apparel. With a few token screws and shackles, in bijou bubble packs, on sale to add nautical colour.

Dover's other great benefit, is the quality of its shelter, in a northerly blow. Such as the one presently rattling Stargazer's rigging and forecast to build. The addition of an outer wave break (the winter before last), has tamed the surge, which delayed the opening of the 'new' marina. (Another part of the waterfront upgrade programme). Whereas, an uncomfortable scend soon builds, in the outer harbour of Ramsgate. 

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