Saturday, 26 July 2014

Chapman's Pool

The wind abandons us off Anvil point. We ride the westbound tide to St Albans Head and ghost into Chapman's Pool on a zephyr, to anchor for the day.

Astern a valley winds its way inland between grassy slopes and a sheer cliff of black and gold.

Ahead the bluff snout of St Alban's Head is our harbour wall, soaking up the swell that marches westward.

A weathered boat shed and a deserted mooring nestle amid the boulders on the shoreline.

As the sun dips toward the western horizon it honeys and mellows the craggy visage of our anchorage.

We leave on the morning tide. The NE breeze has returned and Lulworth Gunnery Range has announced that firing is over for the summer. Wind and tide carry us past kaleidoscope cliffs to Worbarrow Bay.

A thunderstorm looms. We anchor snug behind Worbarrow Tout to watch a celestial firework show.


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