Sunday, 26 May 2024

Dandelion 36

The Vauban tower, which Stargazer takes to be Camaret's welcome (Dandelion 33), was built for the opposite purpose. To repel the British and Dutch. 

Whose warships had designs upon Napoleon's main battle fleet. At anchor in the Rade, beyond the narrow, fortified channel, known as the Goulet (throat). Or upon the naval dockyards, in Brest.

Today, the horizontal red white and blue stripes, of the Dutch flag, and British red ensigns stream in a freshening westerly breeze.

 The British and Dutch boats outnumber those flying the French Tricolore. With a German flagged Ovni (newly collected, from the yard in Les Sables d’Olonne) for good measure. Stargazer lies in the lee of the Vauban tower. In the midst of this international fleet, which grows larger with every tide.

For the mirror calm, since Stargazer's arrival, has broken. It is forecast to be replaced by a stormy spell, of onshore weather. Likely to create breaking seas in the Raz de Seine. 

Southbound boats must tarry. Beneath the weathered masonry, of the Vauban tower.


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