Friday, 19 April 2024

Dandelion 5


Today, the wind whistles once more. But Stargazer lies sheltered, beneath the battlements of Dover Castle.

Last night she anchored, cradled in the serpentine twists of Sharfleet Creek. The water still, as the gusts, of a passing front, rattled her rigging.

Dawn breaks, crisp and clear. The wind down to eighteen knots. Geese honking exuberantly, as they take wing.

Stargazer slips silenty into the river, under full sail. Hard on the wind, her new jib drawing to perfection. Making five knots over the flood. Eager to make the most of this 'sailor's breeze.' For a new blow is forecast to be upon us, by evening. 

Clear of the Medway, Stargazer eases sheets onto a fetch. Thundering east, down the London River. Into the dawn. Toward the Channel.

Hugging the sylvan Kent shore. Taking the 'overland route,' short cut. Marked by the twin stone towers, of the twelth century church, at Reculver.

Whilst the merchantmen ply the Princes Channel, beyond the busy turbines of the Kentish Flats wind farm.

By noon Stargazer is off North Foreland. Rolling uneasily, as the wind falls light. Beneath her, the tidal streams, of the English Channel and London River, tussel for supremacy. Kicking up a disorderly rumpus.

We drift south, on the tide, sails slatting, boom banging, in a jaw clenching chaos. Whilst zephyrs circle fitfully overhead. Off Ramsgate, a gentle westerly bellies Stargazer's limp sails. Returning the chuckle to her bow wave and the smile to her skipper's lips.

Stargazer sweeps down Channel. Past Deal, to the South Foreland. Where the wind snaps abruptly easterly, building fast. Stargazer foams through Dover's Eastern Entrance. Overhead, ominous clouds gather. Announcing that our brief weather window is now closing.

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