Sunday, 21 April 2024

Dandelion 7

 A whickering roar draws my eyes skyward. The triumphant twelve cylinder song, of a Rolls-Royce Merlin aero engine. The silhouette is unmistakable: elliptical wings and bubble cockpit. It is a lone, Battle of Britain, Spitfire, "One of. . . . (Churchill's). . . .few." 

It circles in a patch of blue sky. Torn through the racing grey cumulo-cumulus clouds. Which boil above Dover Castle, like the smoke from a rolling naval broadside. Swept to seaward on the north wind.

The depth, of those dark clouds, creates fierce gusts. Fickle forecasts change at each bulletin. Although a consensus is building, around a lull midweek. Meanwhile, our dependable friend, the moon, guarantees fair tides over the coming seven days. Stargazer's next passage-making window may be forming. . . . .


  1. Bit of reading for you on the Spitfire.. thought it might be the one from Goodwood but this another...

    1. That explains it, Steve! I knew it had to be a Spitfire, from that amazing engine sound and the wing shape. But the second cockpit bubble had me scratching my head....and Googling, to no avail. Mystery solved. Thank you!
