Saturday, 20 April 2024

Dandelion 6


A sun, as sharp as the north wind is keen, lights lowering black skies. Beneath them, Saturday morning sailors re-colonise the Wellington Dock. Which had been cleared of its boats, and pontoons, for an over-winter dredge.

 Whilst a ceaseless stream of ferries process back and forth, from Calais. Funnelling through the Eastern Entrance, of the outer harbour. From which Cap Gris Nez is clearly visible, so cleansed is the atmosphere.

Out in the Channel, it is blowing twenty five knots. Expected to rise to thirty overnight. In Dover marina, conditions are perfect to dry Stargazer's washing. Whilst we swap sailor's tales, with crews on passage and weekending berth holders alike.

The soft scrunch, of sea-scend on shingle foreshore drifts soporifically across the breakwater. As forecast models are compared, and tidal strategies are debated, over mugs of steaming coffee.

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