Friday 24 May 2024

Dandelion 34


Pen Duick lll is coming away, as Stagazer moors, in Camaret. The boat in which Eric Tabarly won the 1967 Sydney Hobart race. Prompting a rewrite of the yacht racing rules, regarding the rating of schooner rigs. 

She was built to his own design, in aluminium. Sporting a rakish clipper bow. Her lines influenced by Eric's childhood experience, aboard his father's, Fife designed, gaff cutter. The original Pen Duick (Coal Tit in Breton). [Photographed in Port Louis last year].

Today, Pen Duick lll is bound south, once more. Not for Sydney, Australia; but for the Raz de Seine. The same sixteen knots of north westerly breeze, which bore Stargazer down the Chenal du Four, are fair to shoot the Raz (tide race) into Biscay.

True sailors, the crew waste no time in hoisting sail. Beating powerfully out of Camaret Bay.

The ocean racing thoroughbred heels to the breeze, as she bears off, once clear. Striding toward the open horizon, of the Atlantic Ocean. Her famous concave bow cleaving the swell, in a welter of salt spray.

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