Thursday 30 May 2024

Dandelion 39


The weather system, of the high westerly winds, is moving through. Bringing the welcome return of sunny skies and strolls around the waterfront.

The breeze now from the north west. Just stealing around the cliffs enough to ripple the harbour.

On the seaward side of the breakwater, kite surfers are at play. In thirty knots of wind.

Scything across foam flecked waters.

Off Toulinguet, a stately galleon, squaresails set on her foremast, runs before the near-gale. Making for Douarnenez, by her course.

Whilst Stargazer is joined, in Camaret, by the Brest based, La Recouverence. (The name given to the urban regeneration scheme, launched following the relocation of the naval base, from Brest, across the Rade to Le Fret).

Winds are forecast to ease through Friday morning. Whether in time for a birthday sail, though the Raz de Sein, only a dawn check can reveal.

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