Tuesday 30 August 2022

En France 62


Land Ho! Necks crane whilst excited arms point. 

Le Francais, last sighted by Stargazer in her home port of St Malo, makes her landfall between the pier heads of Brest.

Its capacious quays already home to a vibrant collection of classics.

Their gilt-work aglow in the low evening sun.

Astern of Stargazer, rare ocean roving 'Fifers' are rafted two deep. Moonbeam, Marquita and Sunbeam. Their varnished spars muffled, against the damps of autumn and winter.

Their thrusting bows resplendent with the golden dragon of Fairlie. The Scottish yard, which crafted them, on the river Clyde.

Laid teak decks sweep aft to long tapered counters. Open and wave-raked. These boats were built for one purpose : To race in the "Big Class," aquatic jousts, of the nineteen twenties and thirties.

Built to William Fife Jr's dual yacht design principles : To be "Fast and Bonnie."


  1. Those Fifers are glorious, any idea why so many of them are there? Upcoming race?

  2. Sadly no upcoming race, Steve. I wondered the same. According to the support crew, who come down to open the hatches, run up the engines etc, they are in for the winter now. No more regattas until spring. When they are all off on 'the circuit' once more.
