Tuesday 18 April 2023

Spring Chicken 7

Nurturing spring is in the air once more, after yesterday's stern and steely skies. Buds begin to open, upon the bare brown branches of the trees, which spill down the rolling summit of the chalk cliffs.

The castle keep, union flag snapping above it, in the stiff nor' easterly, stands guard over the terraced streets of the town.

A steady stream of ferries, line astern, bustle to and fro in the busy eastern entrance. Through which, yesterday, Stargazer entered Dover harbour. Seizing her moment (with the permission of Port Control) as the DFDS ferry sailed. With the next arrival closing fast, from seaward.

The forecast twenty five to thirty knot blow has arrived. It makes for a good drying day, on which to wash my sets of merino wool thermals. Much worn on the trip thus far. And an opportunity, with no other pressing matters at hand, to dismantle (and de-coke) the stove burners. Which have become spluttering and smokey, of late.

The freshly installed wave screen, with work-boat sheltering in its lee, is proving effective. Today’s wind, blowing directly through the main harbour's eastern entrance and on through the marina entry, making for a stern test.

All within is still. Save for cats paws, of breeze, padding across the water.

And a black barred Canada Goose swimming serenely between the, yet to be fully occupied, berths of the new all-tide marina.

The swell instead surges restlessly up the heaped shingle of the beach. With a rhythmic roar, on arrival, and a sibilant grating, on retreat. Like the steady soothing breath of the Ocean.


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