Mon 11.6.12: Golfe du Morbihan, SE of Ile d'Arz. The tide swirls us in past Port Navalo at 8 knots. My eyes are glued to the white leading mark ("looks like a sail" -says the pilot) and hoping it isn't a sail! Then hard to starboard, ferry gliding across the tide, dodging the Oyster boat. Now we're racing down The Gut: Ile Longue, Gavrinis, Er Lannig, Ile Berder, Ile de la Jument are almost a blur as we pass. The pace eases, and the Inland Sea opens up ahead of us. Its hard to starboard again. We are making for the south tip of Ile Aux Moins. To squeeze between it and the north tip of Ile Brannec. Dangerously close to the cliff on Ile Brannec it feels; trust to the SHOM large scale chart. We're through! Due east now for the south cardinal off Ile d'Arz. This is another open, tranquil stretch. Time to exchange "Bon Jour" with a local catamaran. Then we're tucked in behind Ile d'Arz: golden sandy beach, deep green deciduous woods, a low hill and a church; birds singing. We sound in, circle (it's a rocky foreshore and I want to make sure we're not about to anchor over an uncharted outcrop!) and anchor off the beach.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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