Sunday 2 June 2024

Dandelion 41


Stargazer basks beneath the time worn walls of Concarneau. Wind and water stilled by the mediaeval stone masons' craft. Perhaps time too.

Silently, a tan sailed, Breton fishing lugger puts to sea. Emerging from behind a turret. From a bygone era. In which working boats were powered by sail.

Across the harbour, at the cutting edge of offshore racing, an Ocean Fifty trimaran. Eleventh Hour Racing's UpWind. A joint project with Francois Gabart's MerConcept. On whose pontoon she lies. 

Beyond, a diminutive, scow bowed, Mini Transat 6.5m slips her lines. Her solo skipper busily stowing lines and fenders, as she goes. Keen to hoist sail.

She crosses the bows of a vessel, which brings sailing full circle. Perseverence is a, sail powered, ocean-supply vessle. Designed (by VPLP, of much IMOCA success) to service the Ocean Pod. A floating Antarctic reseach station.

Are these ancient walls witness, to the dawn of a new age of sail?

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