Sunday 16 June 2024

Dandelion 55


The steady stream of IMOCAs slowly subsides, off the breakwater. The fleet all finished.  Trips around the bay (perhaps for VIP's, perhaps for testing), petering out.

No crowds throng the sides, of the Les Sables d'Olonne canal, to watch the fishing fleet bustle home. With a fresh catch.

Cruising boats are free to potter, up to the inner basin, in their own time. For the majority of competitors, in the New York - Vendee, have sailed for home. 

Only the big budget teams remain. Repaying the largesse of the sponsors. which fund the Vendee Globe show. 

The boats now become floating advertising hoardings. Honing brand image, at the head of the harbour.

Charlie Dalin (the winner), much in demand for media interviews.

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