Monday 17 June 2024

Dandelion 56


Seas break high, above the Les Sables breakwater.

Cascading into the rock pools beyond. For we have some grey and lively onshore weather passing through.

Charlie Dalin is out, in the bay. Making high speed runs, to the Ile de Re and back.

But, with strong winds, from the south and west, the seas hereabouts demand respect. Whatever your sailing achievements.

Tomorrow, the forecast may favour Stargazer with a northerly breeze. Although her skipper is likely to have need of his Guy Cottens.

On Friday, it will be the French midsummer night celebration, La Fete de la Musique. Best enjoyed where it is possible to moor in the heart of a city. Preferably one that is also hosting a Fete Maritime. Such a place lies a day’s sail to the south.

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