Wednesday 26 June 2024

Dandelion 65


The boardwalks, beside the Les Sables entry canal, are deserted. In the heat of the Vendee sun. For summer, it seems, is making up for lost time.

Som,e make for the beach. To cool off in the sea. Fanned by a light breeze.

Others, quaff something long and cool, in the shade of the quayside cafes.

I take advantage of the (air conditioned) hyper market, located one 'block' back. Where prices are more reasonable (than the convenience stores which are normally to hand), the choice bewildering, and the walk, back to Stargazer, brief. 

Tomorrow, we will try our 'early start and see where we end up,' ruse again. With the forecast of a brisk headwind, by morning. Building to a very brisk headwind, by evening. And three potential landfalls to hand.

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