Sunday 25 August 2024

Dandelion 121


A stately old Catalac turns skittish, at Lilian's behest. Thundering down harbour, with twenty five, gusting thirty, knots of breeze on her tail. The Purbeck Hills, moody and mysterious, beyond.

Moored craft nod and fret. Unsettled by stampeding white horses. The trip boats make for the sheltered channels of South Deep: Arne, Goathorn and Blood Alley. Sea trips are cancelled. River excursions, to Wareham, much in demand.

Down at Baiter, the inshore boats are all on their berths. In the fishermen’s dock. The traditional, open, seventeen foot, flat bottomed, Poole Punts. As well as their modern successors. The thirty foot, fibreglass, catamarans, with the benefit of sheltered wheelhouses and powerful engines.

The only sign of activity is Punt owners arriving, scoops in hand, to bail yesterday's downpour from their undecked vessels.

The forecasts speak of strong, but diminishing winds, on Monday. Whilst Lilian whirls away to seaward. Leaving a transition day on Tuesday, before zephyrs set in from Wednesday. With a fair tide, eastbound, throughout the week.

Stargazer's current plan, is to make the best of Tuesday. With a multitude of ports and anchorages to choose from, to sail until we run out of wind, tide or daylight.

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