Monday 5 August 2024

Dandelion 102


Stargazer's domestic water system starts with a tank, beneath the port settee, in the saloon. Moves aft, to the pump and filters, beneath the bunk in the stern cabin. Before going on to the accumulator (pressure device) and calorifier (hot water tank), below the cockpit locker. My first act of the day is to clear access, to it, for the Marine & General engineer.

Simon arrives, as I finish moving kit. We proceed to fault find our way through the system. With the harbour bustling about its daily business, around us. The cries of gulls echoing from the time worn granite walls.

We conclude that the accumulator is the likely culprit. It is a metal cylinder containing a (stout) rubber 'baloon,' inflated to three bar. Which provides a 'resistance,' that the pump forces the water to overcome, in order to reach the taps. Thereby pressurising the system. Stargazer's fourteen year old original, is registering no pressure. Either on initial testing, or after vigorous use of a car tyre pump.

For reasons not yet fully understood, replacing the malfunctioning accumulator does not return the system to health. It stretches credulity that there has been a simultaneous failure, of both the accumulator and the (eighteen month old) pump's internal pressure sensor. But this appears to be the situation. Investigations will continue tomorrow. A new pump has been sourced, in case of need.

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